Monday, February 8, 2010


I'm remiss in not writing about Lolas! (Is the exclamation point part of the name?)

Lolas are prim breasts with a shape that one could argue is more realistic or natural than other prim breasts. To try to give you an idea, here's a photo. (This is with a turtleneck that is not part of the Lolas package.)

They don't have a HUD--one less thing to have to put on and take off. Instead, you control them by touching them, which brings up a menu with options to control size, skin tint, clothing (one can choose from a number of styles of top that go with tops that come with the breasts), and clothing color.

(One nice thing about the size adjustment is that you have a choice of fine, medium, and coarse control: plus or minus one, five, or ten percent. That's a feature I'd like to see more widespread.)

You get a lot of stuff with Lolas, including a package for developing tops that work with them. Nanami has recently announced support for Lolas. If you're considering prim breasts or would like a different shape, by all means give them a look.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Implant Nation web site

I've hesitated for a while to provide a link to the Implant Nation web site, because when I've visited it before, it's been broken: a home page with links that promise more information but turn out to go nowhere.

I'm happy to say that it looks like the site is undergoing renovation. The links go to pages that clearly aren't yet finished... but at least they go to pages that exist. I look forward to the site's completion. Implant Nation has raised the bar considerably for prim breast capabilities and user interface, and it deserves a good web site.