Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bart Seymour interview

Big Booby Girls in Second Life has an interview with Bart Seymour, the founder of Implant Nation. Mr. Seymour has pioneered several advances in the art of prim breasts in Second Life, and you will want to read the interview.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Support for Foxbean Laboratories Nadine 1.5

I have good news: Amazon Designs and Boobie Tops now support Foxbean Laboratories Nadine 1.5 prim breasts. Just to be above board and up front, I confess to a bias in this regard: I personally use the Nadine prim breasts, and Foxbean is a dear friend... but clothiers supporting more prim breasts is surely a good thing whatever one's personal choices. Thank you!